The Mindset for Weight Loss

Losing weight starts with a correct mindset. The process to Lose weight starts on your mind. Therefore, how do you get your mindset to lose weight?

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Our mind plays the most critical role in everything we do. What are the main ideas people use to begin the weight loss journey, and why they usually do not succeed?

  1. Because I want to have a sculptural body (to be attractive).

  2. Because my partner does not think I am attractive.

  3. Because I am feeling bad about my body.

  4. Because everybody looks at me and thinks: He/She got too much weight.

Although all these reasons can work as great motivation to start your journey, they may not help you in the long run. This mindset will not let you focus on the process but the results alone. If all you think about is to be sexy and attractive (or accepted by other people), it will become easier to lose motivation if it takes time to get your results. Moreover, you may even end up seeking unhealthy strategies to get to the end of the run.

It would be best to start by being aware that you are doing it initially for yourself (for your health), not for other people - understanding and accepting you now, knowing all your capacities and strengths. Likewise, forgiving yourself (or even other people) for any past blames. Thoughts like "I am fat because...." can rarely add something good to your life. Learn from the past, but leave it where it belongs: Behind you!

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Look at it as a Process and a Journey

We can infer that the main idea behind all the wrong mindsets discussed above is to be attractive. An attractive body is a fruit in the process. Start by watering the tree.

You Don't Have to Lose Weight

First off, let's get rid of the idea of "I have to lose weight." The statement that you have to do something is not well accepted by your brain and does not help you keep a good mindset. You don't have to do anything. You could easily stay this way for the rest of your life. However, is it what you want? If the answer is NO, you don't have to lose weight. You want to lose weight! Therefore, it is important to ask yourself why to find out the correct motivation to move forward.

Secondly, this process does not necessarily mean sacrifice. It means balance. Step by step, create systems to be carried for life, not rules. Be kind to yourself and keep moving forward. Rigidness leads to frustration. It would be best if you focused on healthy habits construction instead - habits you can build for a happy and healthy life.

Watch Your Thoughts

A word is worth more than a thousand pictures.
— Robert Dilts

People want to feel secure. We want to make sure we will have enough money, good health, etc. We do not like when things fall out of our hands. We want to control everything regarding our lives (and sometimes even other people's lives). However, we fail to be the master of our own minds.

Above all, if there is one thing we should keep, it is our heart and mind. Watch your thoughts! The way you talk to yourself matters. You do not need to monitor yourself. Start by being mindful. All the time you notice yourself thinking or saying negative words, immediately say and visualize the opposite. Do not allow your mind to wander without your direction.

Visualize good things. Say these things out loud. Meditate. Do it daily.

If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.
— George Orwell
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Standards and Expectations - What to Ask Yourself?

More important than setting goals is to set standards and expectations. Here are some questions you can ask yourself before starting your journey.

  • Where am I now, and where do I want to be?

  • What do I want, specifically? And why?

When do I want to see my results?

Here, it is essential to be ecological. Your plan should be possible. Otherwise, you will end up frustrated. Do not create a goal to lose 50kg in one week (for example). What is the first step you should take to reach something bigger? And how can you improve each month, each week, and each day to see your results?

  • What depends on you (and on you alone) to make it happen?

  • How can you make this journey more ecological and pleasing for you, despite the challenges *?

    * Please, think of concrete actions here

  • How will losing weight benefit me?

  • How will losing weight benefit the people I love?

  • What resources and qualities do I have that I can use to help me in this process?

  • What are other goals I have used the same resources and qualities and was successful? How did I use my resources and qualities there? How could I use them now?

  • How will I know I am on the right way? What will I see, hear, feel that will tell me so?

  • Who else is involved in my expectations (husband/wife/kids)? How can they help me? And how can my expectations also be ecological for them?

By ecological, we mean relating to or concerned with your relationship with yourself, other people, and your physical surroundings. Everything needs to be in harmony.

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How to Change a Bad Habit

Sometimes, we want to change some of our habits to live a more ecological, and healthy life. Here is one exercise to help you by asking yourself the right questions:

  1. Look at yourself now. What are the things you are doing that you know will not help you in the long run? Make a list.

  2. Understand that these things are there for a good purpose. Ask yourself the motivation/why you are doing these things. These motivations are usually genuinely good. Maybe you eat three pieces of cake in the morning because you want to have pleasure. Food brings pleasure. Perhaps you want that chocolate every hour because you feel bored. You need some excitement. What is the reason behind your behavior? Ask yourself, give your brain some time to think about it and then write it down. Importantly, write down the good intention. For example: Instead of writing "because I feel bored," go for "because I want to feel excited, energized," or whatever it is for you.

  3. Close your eyes and ask yourself: How can I have this same good result (feeling energetic, for instance) following a different and healthier path?

  4. You do not need to overthink this. Give yourself time to figure it out. It is also a good idea to do this exercise before going to sleep. Besides, you can use this to any other habit you want to change.

  5. Visualize the path your brain follows when you do that specific behavior.

    For example: Let's say you are an office worker. After 3 hours of hard work, you feel bored. Your office offers free cupcakes in the kitchen. Therefore, you leave your desk and grab one. There is a trigger leading you to follow a routine to reach a reward (your desire to feel energized). Make things easier for you. Change the pattern and get the same compensation. What can you do to feel energized instead? Perhaps go for a walk? Maybe you can bring something equally delicious but healthier from home? What is it for you?

    The idea is to reach the same good results coming from the positive intention you found out, but following a more ecological healthier path.

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See Feedback Instead of Failure

You may not always make things right. That is obvious, but sometimes it is worth remembering that we are human beings. You will make mistakes! However, choose to learn from your mistakes instead of allowing them to bring you down.

I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed
— Michael Jordan

Losing weight is a journey.

We must create a system that works for us - A system we will be capable to follow if we want to lose weight to be healthy and to continue healthy. It does not mean sacrifice. Counting calories and stop eating is not something you will manage to carry for a long time. Balance is key. We suggest you Start by Eating Properly.


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