How Should I Talk to Myself? Living from inside out.

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We all talk to ourselves, and this is entirely normal. The point is: How mindful are you while talking to yourself? Are you in charge of your mind?

Our words have a tremendous impact on our hearts and health. However, most people rarely pay attention to what they are saying to themselves.

Whatever your heart is full of will come out of your mind through words. Nonetheless, your mental words already have the power to influence your feelings, your health, and the way you see life. Therefore, it is important to start taking control of your mind.

We care about controlling everything we see, finances, material goods, and the list goes on. But we fail to be the master of our own thoughts. Thoughts can either be your blessing or your ruin. If there is anything you should really care about is the way you talk to yourself. How do you call yourself? How lovely or aggressive are your thoughts?

Whenever you think negative thoughts, your body is already creating an adverse reaction inside your body. Your unconscious mind does not know the difference between reality and imagination. If you start ruminating negative thoughts, your adrenal glands begin releasing cortisol. If you keep these thoughts, your cortisol level is always high. It goes without saying how bad the impact constant and elevated cortisol has on our physical health. In addition, these thoughts become forebodings built from limiting beliefs. If we focus on them, they increase and sabotage our growth in all areas of life.

The Map and The Territory

Remember, the way you think about anything (including yourself) is only one map of reality, not the territory. We constantly filter our reality through our values, beliefs, experiences, and memories built from everything we see, hear, feel, and smell. Each life experience can positively or negatively impact your map; it depends on the interpretation you will give them. If you control the meaning these experiences have for you, you control the experience.

Update your map! Our map should never become obsolete. If the map you use to see yourself does you no good, throw it away and get another one. For example, instead of thinking you can not succeed in life because you have failed ten times before, start seeing everything as the feedback you can use to grow and plan your next moves. What were the mistakes? What can you do differently? Perhaps all you need is to focus somewhere else.

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Whatever You Focus On, Increase

If you don't want to think about the color pink and keep saying this to yourself, you are already thinking of it. So you don't want to think of pink, is it the color pink you don't want to think about? How can I stop thinking of the color pink? Can you see how many times this color came to your mind just because you were trying to get rid of it?

Stop focusing on what you don't like about yourself. Find out your qualities and focus on them instead.

Think About What You Are Thinking

Right action follows right thinking. It might not always be easy to avoid negative thoughts. However, you don't have to avoid them. The idea is to be aware when they come and not to consent. Whenever you catch yourself in negative thoughts, consciously visualize the opposite in your mind. It is an exercise. If you can not see yourself being or doing the opposite yet, use the image of a mentor. This mentor does not need to be real. What would this person be doing or saying in contrast with those negative thoughts? You can even write a note about it and mindfully read and visualize it every day.

Constantly tell yourself good things. What's good about you? What was the last challenge you overcame, and how you did it?

Thinking the right thoughts may feel difficult initially, but being aware is the first step not to believe them. And the more you think right thoughts, the more your heart instructs your mouth in wisdom, adding persuasiveness to your lips. Pleasing words are delightful to your soul and healing to your body.

Count your blessings. Write down how many times you succeeded. Tell yourself encouraging words as you would to a friend. Be your best friend!

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Find Out What You Believe

Most of the negative thoughts we have are the fruit of an obsolete map because they want you to believe just a fraction of reality. You are not what these negatives thoughts are telling you are because these thoughts are not taking everything into account. Take some distance from those thoughts and see the whole reality. What else are you taking into consideration? What do you choose to believe instead?

Fight For Your Peace

A happy heart is a good medicine, and a joyful mind causes healing. If you allow negative thoughts to control your mind, you open doors for evil forebodings. If you base your feelings on past experiences or difficulties, you end up waiting for more bad things to come to pass. Update your map, focus on your strengths and your future instead.

Something that has helped me win the battle against negative thoughts is thinking about and trusting what I believe. What do you believe? I enjoy thinking about whatever is right, and I encourage you to think continually about whatever is lovely and brings you peace. How many times things that have never happened to you have done a lot of evils to your life? As Walt Disney liked to say: "Worry is a waste of imagination ." Keeping a positive, peaceful, and serene mind is the way to expect and to see good things happening in our lives. If most of the time our thoughts are good, no fortresses of limiting beliefs will be built.


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