More Introspectiveness, Less Noise


If you ever had the chance to live in Finland, you noticed how these people value tranquility, serenity, and silence. Of course, there are exceptions, but if we can point a standard behavior among most Finns is their introspectiveness.

While living in Finland, I remember seeing foreigners laughing at Finns because of their quiet being. However, as Susan Cain wrote in her book "The power of introverts," we should all stop blaming introverted people for being who they are. At the same time, we should stop glorifying the exact opposite side - The extroverts. If there is anything we should celebrate, it is the fact that we are all unique.

Most Finnish People enjoy spending peaceful times in their cottage near the lake, and most Finns are very reserved. Moreover, they will not talk openly about their feelings, although they may feel them intensely.

For this article, we will focus on Finnish introspectiveness. Of course, we can not generalize introspectiveness nor the Finnish culture. Therefore, our goal is to highlight the benefits of being introspective and what introspective people could teach us.


Are Finnish people Shy?

Differently from what many may think, Finns are not necessarily shy. Being shy is to be afraid of judgment; to be frightened of what others may think of you. Instrospectiveness is something else. It speaks more about:

  • The environment you feel more comfortable with (usually quiet instead of loud)

  • The number of people you want to be close to you (having a few but good friends instead of being "popular")

  • Listening more than talking

  • Working better alone

The list goes on, but you probably already got the point.


Black Friday in Finland


While one can argue this video is about being polite and has nothing to do with introspectiveness, I dare to differ. The peaceful and quiet Finnish way surrounds their culture. After living in Finland for 1 year, I saw they are mostly introspective; and that their politeness is linked to their introspectiveness.

Disclaimer: It does not mean extrovert people are necessarily impolite.

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Some Advantages of Being Introspective

Creativity and Productivity

It is easier for Introspective people to develop their creativeness and productiveness because this ability comes from spending time alone. Many studies can be found proving the connection between creativeness and brainstorming with solitude. Even as an extrovert, you can benefit from creating time for yourself alone. It does not mean you need to isolate yourself forever, but that we all need to know ourselves better and take time to think. To do that, we need to spend time alone. Introvert people usually spend a lot of time with their own thoughts and ideas.

Empathy and solitude

An ongoing Harvard study shows that we need time in solitude to be more capable of empathy towards others, and it also makes us more resilient. In other words, empathy comes from within.

Ironically, many people who speak about empathy today are those with less tolerance and compassion. These people usually spend more time with their cellphones than alone. By the way, it is easy to hide behind a phone screen to offend people they have never seen; while speaking of empathy and tolerance. If only we all looked inside to think, we would be surprised at how evil we can be and - hopefully - do something about it.

In summary, to be locked in a room or among nature with the nose on a cellphone is not the same as spending time alone.


Spending time alone can be very beneficial.

This affirmation has a negative impact on some people because many saw this as a way of punishment as a child. However, growth starts from within. If we learn more about ourselves individually, our ideas, and our motives, we give ourselves space to question, correct our mistakes and improve. Once more, this all starts from within.


Thinking and Meditating Before Speaking

Debates and more debates. Online chats. Problem-solving meetings. Teamwork and the list go on.

If you say you prefer to work alone or that you would rather spend time with your kids or pet at home than with your coworkers at a party on a Saturday - depending on where in the world you live - people will look at you as if you were sick.

In one way or another, most of us glorify extrovert behavior and condemn introverts. In the same way, the preference of being alone while working usually comes with criticism. We should all understand that preferring to be alone for a moment - or enjoying working alone - or not enjoying big work parties does not necessarily mean that that person hates people or that there is something wrong with him/her. We all function differently. That's all.

Again, we are not against teamwork (or those who prefer it). People are just different, and we can all learn from one another.
The main points to be highlighted here are:

  • The respect for individual choices. For example, in this context, the respect for introverts when they choose to be alone.

  • The ability to think before talking.

Information is a mere medium for instruction, having little or no value in itself. However, it is a way of thinking that characterizes a philosophical mind. When I am faced with the imposing erudition of such “know-it-alls,” I sometimes say to myself: Oh, this person must have thought very little to be able to read so much.
— Arthur Schopenhauer

Disclaimer: If I could, I would ask Schopenhauer to excuse me for using the word "speak" in the same context as the word "read." Anyway, I believe he would agree with me.


Some people talk to share ideas. Some people talk just to pretend they know it better.

If we want to be able to share good ideas, we have to think first. Before talking to people about anything or even before reading a book, we need to take time to think for ourselves and know where we stand. However, a lot of people are much more worried about showing off than learning anything.

If only we took more time to genuinely meditate before speaking, our group discussions would be way more productive. Unfortunately, most work meetings became show-off theaters and a waste of time. Moreover, some people become a bootlicker - Or perhaps a parrot, reproducing knowledge they know nothing about. In other words, they are those annoying "know-it-all” that Arthur Schopenhauer - or Plato - would describe.

Well, although I do not suppose that either of us knows anything really beautiful and good, I am better than he is - for he knows nothing and thinks that he knows; I neither know nor think that I know. In this latter particular, then, I seem to have slightly the advantage of him
— Plato

How to Spend Time Alone

  • Find a place you enjoy. It can be among nature or even that special corner you love in your room.

  • Think about what you usually think and about your feelings. Why do you think the way you do? Are you angry? Happy? What are the genuine reasons behind those thoughts and feelings? What can you do to feel better? If it is a good feeling, how can you make it even stronger?

  • Question your motives. Are they genuine? Are they fair? Put yourself in other people's shoes. Look at the situation using your own values and principles. It will give you the strength to hold on to whatever decision you need to make if you find your motives right. On the other hand, it allows you to change if you want to.

  • Feeling good? Meditate. Enjoy the view or even your own breath. You will be surprised to see how good breathing is when you start paying attention to your body.

  • Being alone is a perfect time to consider your options, develop new ideas, and get inspired to boost creativity and productivity. Find a nice place and enjoy the view. Inspiration and ideas shall come.


Even many of us may be extroverts, we can all benefit from living in balance. Also, we all need time for ourselves to improve.

If you constantly need to socialize at work or if you are an extrovert, knowing the benefits of spending time alone can help you to seek that deserved quiet place once in a while.

Finally, both introverts and extroverts have a lot to add to society when working together with comprehension and respect.

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Going deeper in " Exploring Places" Find out more about Finland!

Stay tuned to see the country of the next month!


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