Why Should You Not Go to the Gym?

This article is an interview with the physiotherapist Audinei Carlos das Neves, creator of the EQCOAN method. 

In our interview, Audinei talks about his 29 years of experience in clinics and inside gyms. He worked with athletes from several sports modalities and watched the exercises done by his patients due to the imposition of their teams. These include: Gym workouts, pilates, yoga, Crossfit, and even exercises performed using body weight. 

Audinei explains the danger that exercises of repetitive muscular contraction have. He helped many people in this context and told us his conclusions. You are about to read an interview highlighting his findings regarding the harm this type of activity has on our entire health.

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Gym, Crossfit, Pilates, Hydroginastic, Functional Exercises. What do they have in common?

About Audinei and his Method

What is your experience with gym workouts?

I started doing gym workouts while I was still at college. I stopped after a short time because I noticed they were overloading my knees. 

I have been helping people for more than 20 years, especially athletes from all sport modalities focused on bodybuilding. These people had to go to the gym because it was imposed on them by their teams and coaches. Those who followed my orientation changed their health for the better and increased their sports performance. 

How does your method work, and how was it developed? What makes it different from others?

After graduating, I continue studying to become a better professional and help people. I did several courses. I developed my method through the knowledge acquired in these courses and through observation.

The Feldenkrais Method taught me more about the benefits of hydrotherapy. We used to practice the exercises on the floor just to reproduce them in the pool later. I noticed that people healed from their injuries much faster, including injuries like head trauma. This caught my attention. The Feldenkrais Method is a method that helps people to develop body consciousness. Although body consciousness is a term also used at gyms, that is entirely different here; because what gives me body consciousness is the nerve; it is tactile sensitivity. The nerve is responsible for getting information from the skin, the muscle, and every part of our body. Then it sends that information to the brain. 

When I was 34 years old, I felt a chest twinge. I thought I had a heart problem. However, I felt this same chest twinge when a therapist touched me on my thoracic vertebrae toward T1 and T2. That's when I had an insight. We feel pain because the spine tightens and hurts the nerves. The pain then goes to each part of the body according to the area where the nerve is compressed. The nerve leaves the medulla on that point of the spine and goes somewhere in your body.

Besides, I started working using Indian Shiatsu, where we make circular movements with our hands on the skin. I noticed it helped my patients, but it was not yet the solution to their pain. Therefore, I started to do a more consistent mobilization to release the areas that had adhesion. I developed a manual technique where I use my hands instead of metallic pieces to perceive my patient sensibility better. 

Another technique I studied was the Halliwick method. This is a technique where someone who has mobility issues can float over water. The patient relaxes in a way that ends up floating. However, if they contract the muscles, they sink. 

Learning these techniques and applying the concepts to patients made me see what is good or not. People with all types of issues were coming to my clinic. Whoever followed my orientations about leaving any activity I find aggressive to the body (like the gym) had impressive results. The recovery rate is above 95%. 

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Common Physical Problems that a Gym Can Cause


What would be the most common physical problems that a gym can cause? And what connection have you noticed between gym and health?

Any problem that shows up in the body of someone who practices this kind of exercise can be considered a gym problem. The biggest issue is that people do not adequately connect certain health issues with the gym: tendonitis, bursitis, herniated disc, arthrosis, constipation, insomnia, snoring, apnea, hypertension, to mention a few. 

The gym sells us a dream. Whoever joins a sport (as a professional or amateur) has to go to the gym. It is a dictatorial idea. Many people I treated had no choice. Nowadays, the athlete is prepared to "withstand the blow." For example, soccer or american football are sports with a lot of contact and impact. The athlete's muscle is hardened so they can take the hit, let's put it this way. Therefore, the athlete goes to the gym. And what is the idea they sell? Gyms sell people that dream that if you want to become an athlete and have that body, you must go to the gym as well. 


Would you say the gym causes more chronic or acute health issues?

Acute issues do not last longer than three months. Let's say a patient started feeling pain; this would be considered acute pain up to 3 months. After three months, this would already be seen as chronic pain. The term is related to the period the person feels pain, not with the condition that caused it. 

Our lifestyle has a stronger impact on our health than our genetics does. If we change our habits, we may improve our symptoms. However, let's suppose someone keeps going to the gym, working with a heavy load every day. In that case, they will only reinforce the tension we already have, which will increase — consequences can be insomnia, among others. People may start taking a medication to sleep, which collateral effects will lead to another drug and so on...


Has there any situation where the gym is recommended? 

No. Based on the activities and motivations you mentioned, no. All of these activities mentioned above will strain your joints, cause your muscles to shorten

When you make a movement holding a heavy load, you can also notice that you end up contracting your feet. On the opposite, if you contract your leg muscles, you end up contracting your arms as well (to remain at the same place). The contraction is not just in the muscle being worked. You shrink every muscle, every area of the body.


But the common sense is that it is a good thing to toughen your body.

Yes, people are right when they say that this toughens the body. However, when you toughen the body, there is an increase of resistance in the cell membrane. In other words, there is increased resistance of liquid going inside and out of the cell membrane. The more tension we have, the more the cell membrane becomes less permeable.

If the cell membrane is less permeable, the blood pumping overload increases. The heart has to work harder to overcome the increase in resistance. If the heart has to work more, what happens when you put a machine to work on overload? You accelerate the aging of the body.


When we contract a muscle working out, does it remain in contraction after we finished the workout?

Yes. When someone contracts a muscle at the gym, the muscle is shortened. There is a tendon between the muscle and the bone that starts being pulled all the time, even when you are sleeping.

When someone frequently works using muscle contraction, they send a message to the brain saying that specific muscle must remain in contraction. The body does not rest, even when the person is sleeping. It is similar to have a motor turned on all the time. The energy expenditure is much higher. If we have a machine that does not stop, the aging of this machine is much faster.


Can it lead to a tendon rupture?

Yes. The tendon starts to tear down when it is overloaded. That's when we see tendinitis (and all the tendinopathies) and bursitis. Tendonitis is when the muscle puts too much strain on the tendon. When the tendon cannot handle the load that the muscle is placing, the fibers break. 

We also have the bursa. It lies under the tendon. Therefore, if the tendon compresses the bursa and keeps hurting it, we have bursitis. Tendonitis and bursitis cause pain.

However, the pain comes from the nerve (not from the tendon or the bursa). People usually try stretching to feel better, but they do not stretch enough to stop the overcharge on the tendon or the bursa.

That's what happens with the spine too. The spine pinches the nerve, and the nerve is shortened. The bones get closer and pinch the nerves. When the never is pinched, it triggers stimuli to keep the muscle contracted. The muscle is then contracted constantly. 


Explained Examples Regarding Gym Workouts


The Problem With Weight Lift Exercises for the Arms

There is a series of exercises done for the arm. When you take a load and raise it, you are contracting your neck (so you can raise your arm).

You contract your neck naturally when catching anything and raising it. Your arm alone can do it. When you go to the gym and do this movement associated with a load, your neck's contraction is much stronger. If the neck contracts to raise the shoulder, it contracts pulling the spine down. The cervical spine is then crushed, crushing the nerves as a consequence. You may develop problems including changes in vision, hearing, smell, taste, impairment of the body's senses. You also compromise the hands because the cervical region is the direct communication of the brain with the entire body. 

In addition, we have the vagus nerve, which goes to the heart area and all internal organs of our chest and abdomen. If we have nerves in this region and this part of the body is rigid, under tension, you may have an interference in the brain's communication with the rest of the body.

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The Problem With Deadlift

I also remember an example you mentioned about deadlift causing urinary incontinence in women and infertility in men?

Yes, this is true. When a man lifts that loaded barbell, the vertebrae slides, pressuring the nerves that lead to the genitals. When it is a woman, the vertebrae slides, pressuring the cauda equina (the nerves and nerve roots stemming from the distal end of the spinal cord). This can lead to the blockage of sphincters control, causing urinary incontinence.  

Yes, this is true. When a man lifts that loaded barbell, the vertebrae slides, pressuring the nerves that lead to the genitals. When it is a woman, the vertebrae slides, pressuring the cauda equina (the nerves and nerve roots stemming from the distal end of the spinal cord). This can lead to the blockage of sphincters control, causing urinary incontinence.  


Why Should You Avoid Abdominals

The medulla is inside the spine. If the medulla is inside the spine and the person practices abdominals (which is very common in many activities like pilates, CrossFit, functional exercises, etc.), you contract the body forward to firm the abdomen. Once you do it, the ribs and hips get closer. Therefore, you decrease the distance between the thorax and the hip at the front on the lateral side of the body. There is no space left for the lumbar spine. It is pressed, and the externalcleidomastoid is shortened on the neck.

The externalcleidomastoid is a muscle that goes from the nape to the sternum. Consequently, there is less space between the head and the thorax when the person stands upright, causing pressure on the cervical spine. When you shorten the front of the thorax and want to stand upright, there is no space for the spine. 

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Would this be the case for many people addicted to the gym who looks like they have no neck? Sometimes they even look like they have been entirely squeezed. 

Yes, it has to do with this.

The person starts by shrinking the shoulders up. Our body moves by contracting muscles. The muscle contracts and pulls the tendon, and the movement takes place when you pull the tendon. Muscle contraction is what moves the body. When you contract it, you perform the movement. When you relax, you stop it. If you insist on this movement, something we already do naturally, you will only reinforce this.


The Peck Deck Machine

Image from Everkinetic

Image from Everkinetic

Here, you pick up the weight, pull it forward, then move it backward. We use the body more forward naturally. Because of it, people put more strength while moving forward and less when moving back.

All the work done in this machine adds more weight where you are stronger and less weight where you have less strength. If we already have more strength when we pull the load forwards and less when we do so backward, this exercise will increase our force imbalance even more.

The person will be increasingly pulled into the fetal position, shrinking the body forward and getting less space for the spine every day. The spine tightens the nerves and interferes with the communication from the brain to the body.

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Recommended Safe Activities


What activities do you recommend instead of going to the gym?

Hiking, dancing, canoeing, walking, running, swimming, a bike ride on the street.

Walking on the street over uneven terrain (it doesn't necessarily have to be in the woods). People can find places close to where they live where they can find ramps, stairs, etc. 

Mountaineering, abseiling, rowing, canoeing, stand-up paddle. When you pull back while canoeing, you use the back muscles that you usually use less. It is important to stimulate the body in different ways. 

Another good option would be to ride a bike on the street. It's better than using that bike from the gym. If it is inside the gym, people usually try to go beyond their limits and do not stop. When you are riding a bike outside, you will stop whenever you get tired. You typically walk while you are tired and go back cycling after you have rested. After a few months, you already have the endurance you need to ride longer. 

The idea is to choose three activities you like most and do them for three weeks. Then you can choose different and new activities every 3 to 4 weeks. The idea is to move your body. 


The more varied the activities, the better?

The more it is varied, the better. This is what I usually recommend. 

For example: you move forward, backward, to the side, and in circles when you dance. When do people typically do these movements in their daily routine? Have you ever noticed how the body of a professional Spanish dancer is? Their body seems to be carefully designed. Besides, have you seen the body of people who work at the circus? They have each muscle carefully designed. That is all because of the activities they do. 


This is true. We are moving muscles we do not usually move. 

Yes. When you walk in the mountains, you will go uphill, downhill, over a tree trunk. You need to go up and down a ravine and so on. You use your body in a way that is different compared to a walk on the pavement. 

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Therefore: The right thing is to strengthen the body evenly. We can have the contraction, but not too much on specific muscles, overloading them.


Exactly. You are not shortening some muscles more than others. You are using your body through your movements. We work our articulations on a broader movement when we do more extended movements, like overcoming an obstacle or going up the hill. 

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For example, in a kayak. You pull the paddle back to move the kayak forward.

Here, you are working your back muscles, and it's a job on both sides. You don't pull both sides at the same time. We usually have an arm stronger than the other. Therefore, when we pull the kayak using the right arm (which is generally the strongest for most people), and then with the left arm, the kayak starts going to the left. In order to not let it happen, we need to pull with the same force using our weaker arm. We end up developing a good balance and strength in the body.

The same happens when we swim backstroke. My orientation is the backstroke instead of front crawl because you are opening the chest and stimulating the strength of the posterior muscles. By doing it, you improve your posture.


What about breaststroke? Is it recommended?

I do not recommend it because there is an aggressive movement on the low back. Backstroke is the best swimming technique for those who want to take care of their spine.

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What are the differences between hydrogymnastics and hydrotherapy?

Hydrogymnastics have the same principle of tension, contraction, and effort we discussed. I do not recommend it.

Hydrotherapy is different. However, there are differences within hydrotherapy itself. There is the hydrotherapy that you use to relieve tension, which is relaxation. And there is the hydrotherapy where you have to make an effort, which is the one I don't recommend - because it has the same idea of strengthening as the gym does. They adapt exercises to the water, but these exercises still cause tension. They may have an effect, but it is temporary most of the time. It is a palliative effect that reinforces what the person already had, which led to the injury. 

If people want to feel better, they need to change their behavior, movements, and body posture pattern. And these techniques reinforce those patterns. All they do is mask the problem while leading you more and more into it. They may take you out of a crisis, but you will soon need treatment again.


Indoors Safe Activities


In many countries in the northern hemisphere winter is harsh, and people cannot exercise outside. Sometimes, it is complicated to do outdoor activities for at least 3 or 4 months of the year. Is it possible to use the gym (gym equipment) or these exercises like pilates etc. in any healthy way? If yes, how?

You can use the bike inside the gym or the treadmill. However, it is important to be aware of your body and stop when you notice tiredness. Once you start getting tired, reduce the effort for a little bit and then come back. After a few weeks, you will be in a better condition to evolve. If you insist at first, you will be fatigued, and you will get injured. The same applies to the treadmill. Further, whether you do it manually or not, you should program it to imitate a walk on the street.


Is the Elliptical a good option?

No. This is not a natural movement of our hips nor lower limbs. You are walking as a robot there, and it hurts your articulations. 


Therefore, the movements we should do while exercising should be the most varied possible. However, they need to be natural to the human body.



Many people are afraid to leave their homes
(or are even prohibited from leaving) because of the current situation. What can people do indoors to exercise healthily?

What I recommend for people is to make sure that they are moving. Gardening is an idea. You can take care of plants inside an apartment. Just do not drag a 100kg pot like a patient of mine did.

If you can, play shuttlecock, basketball, all that stuff you can do without leaving your house. Play with your kids. Dance with your husband. Go crafting. There are different ways of crafting, and it requires different movements and concentration. Just make sure you do not insist on finishing anything. Whenever you feel your body is getting tired, stop for a while and do some stretching


Workout And Pain


What about the pain we feel after a gym workout? Is there a difference between this pain and the pain we feel when we initiate an activity like those you suggested above
(which uses more muscles and movements)?

The pain is a warning. It happens when a specific nerve sends a message to the brain, which is read as pain. Whatever activity you initiate can trigger pain. It happens when you start an activity you were not used to do. You can do some stretching and continue later. After a while, you will no longer feel pain. That's one thing.

By doing gym activities, people are constantly bringing their bones closer. It starts to shorten the nerves and, at the same time, it compresses the nerve. The nerve is being blocked. It becomes anesthetized


So it means people can hurt their nerves without realizing it?

Yes, they usually don't notice it. It's only when they make a different movement - Where the bones previously blocking that nerve pull away - That the nerve manages to pass the stimulus. It goes through the blocking point. The stimulus arrives in the brain and is perceived as pain. That's when the person will discover that they have tendonitis, bursitis, herniated disc, arthrosis, and so on. The person does not find out the herniated disc when it is beginning to form. It is usually only when the person feels pain and has an MRI, that it shows a herniated disc, for example. 

Why didn't they start noticing it at the beginning of the process? Because while the spine is squeezing the intervertebral disc, it's also squeezing the nerves. The injury to the body happens silently until the day the person feels pain. When the person feels pain, it becomes a warning sign. They will want to know why they are feeling pain.


So we can conclude that the pain we feel while doing a healthy activity is different. It stops with time. When it comes to gym exercises, I may feel no pain or stop feeling it because I have deadened the nerve.

Exactly, this is usually what happens. And when people stop going to the gym - like now, many people had to stop because of the pandemia - many came to me complaining about pain. They said it was because they stopped going to the gym. This is not true. The pain did not come because they stopped working out. It came because the nerve finally found a way to sent a message to the brain. 


That's the opposite of what most people think. 

Yes. That's because many people were brainwashed, believing gyms are the only way to have strength in the body. 

What interests are behind the idea of going to the gym?

Many industries: The industry that sells supplements, the clothing industry, the shoe industry, the food industry. People do not go to the gym without good and modern clothes and shoes. We also have the cosmetic surgery industry. The gym is a widespread idea because it involves a lot of money.


Why My Doctor Sent Me to the Gym?


Many people say they were sent to the gym by their doctors. 

My answer to this is very simple. When you are feeling pain and seek a doctor, he may give you some medication. Let's say this medication brings you many collateral effects. Therefore, you go back to your doctor, and he prescribes another drug. Let's say this new medication is not good for you either. After some tries, you find a good medication for the pain that doesn't bring any collateral effect.

Before you found this medication, the doctor may have tried from 4 to 10 different drugs. Different medicines will have different effects on different people. 

The same principle applies to physical exercises. I am a physiotherapist. I have been taking care of people in pain for 29 years. I have tried to work the way most physiotherapists do initially until I developed my method 23 years ago. The common sense is to send the patients to straighten their muscles using a heavy load at the gym. I have been treating people with chronic pain who have changed their habits by no longer doing what hurt their bodies. They do other activities and are doing much better.

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How to Develop Strenght Healthily?


How can we develop muscular strength healthily?

Through stretching exercises. When you stop to stretch, allowing your body to rest in a stretching position, you pull the muscle fiber. You pull every fiber of tissue, whether it is from the skin or the muscle. Hence, the tissue grows. The muscle fiber that is shrunk gains volume in length and diameter. 


Thus, a strong muscle is an elongated muscle?

Exactly. For the muscle to have strength, it needs to have clear communication with the brain. It depends on the nerve. 

A very strong person can have an accident, a spinal cord injury, and end up in a wheelchair. We have many examples of accidents where the spinal cord injury disrupts the brain's connection with the legs or arms. If the nervous system stops sending the stimuli, there is no longer movement. 


How do you see those who promote the idea of getting
“tight muscles”?

This is what I call a paradox. As humans, we need to have control over everything. We want to have power, to possess things. People who do not get rid of this instinct have to possess something. Then comes the gym propaganda showing you will obtain tight and strong muscles. Strength equals power. Humans enjoy having power, the domain. If I am going to become stronger and have more power, I am going to the gym.


What would you tell people who enjoy this type of activity to increase their basal rate and burn more calories?

Let's say someone spends 1 hour doing this type of exercise and burns 500 calories. How many calories are there in an orange juice or lunch? People need to understand that a professional weightlifter or athlete need to eat more to give their body all the necessary nutrients. Most people will not need the same amount of nutrients as they do. Those who go to the gym will end up eating more. Otherwise, they will lack nutrients. 

Further Reading: You will not lose weight by exercising only and Start by eating properly


Many people may think it is okay to go to the gym as long as they do stretching exercises. What would you say?

It is not okay. It is the same as we talked about before. It has to do with our body perception. You have it or don't have it. The perception of someone who goes to the gym is different. The person will work out and block the sensitivity

To make it worse, there is still that thought: "If it's not hurting, it's not working. No pain, no gain". So they keep on pushing until the day it breaks, and they find out a herniated disc or some other issue that forces them to stop. 

Sometimes, this same person will take some medicine or try surgery; and then go to the gym again. However, someone who undergoes surgery has already damaged the body. It weakens the body. The health issues turn into a snowball because it only adds up more and more problems.

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Should You Try the Splits?


What about the splits? Some people wish to have an elastic body. Would you recommend people to seek this kind of elasticity in their bodies?

To have elasticity or not depends on how you perceive your body. Many people have no perception of their own bodies. For example, I had a patient who couldn't feel his body with my touch because of a brachial plexus injury. He took many medications for seizures and could not lift his arm. Due to his medication and clinical condition, his perception was almost 0. This patient had a very elastic body, similar to the rubber man. From the moment he gained body awareness, he decreased his elasticity. 


Did he start feeling pain?

He started to feel pain and to respect the limits of his articulations. Based on my 23 years of experience, most highly elastic people usually have a low perception of their bodies. Someone who has more sensibility (the person who feels every touch) usually has less elasticity. The more perception you have, the more you respect your limits; and the less you insist on the split. The less awareness someone has, the further this person goes beyond his limits without realizing it. And, therefore, causing some injury.


Is it possible to achieve a great elasticity being aware of the body at the same time? How would it be possible? Through the stretches?

Yes, it is possible. Yes, through the stretches. That is something you should try step by step. You gain elasticity slowly, working each day. Do not go beyond your limits. Otherwise, you will hurt structures of the body. 


There are many stretches exercises online. Some might not be safe. What precautions should people take? 

Look for stretches exercises that are not done with effort. Do the stretches in relaxation. For example, many people see pilates as a stretching exercise. It is not. Pilates is a weight exercise. It is like when you stretch the elastic and suddenly release it. You stretch the muscle, and it gets shorter around it.

Even your body weight can be harmful. Abdominals, planks, etc. All these activities bring bones together. When bones are close, everything between them wears out.

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Final Considerations

What would you say to people who want to buy the perfect body dream?

If you have this dream, I encourage you to study the physical and mental health of the people who inspire you to buy this dream. Research the life history of your mentors. Check if you want what your mentors have for your current and future self.

For example, Maguila is treating neurological issues nowadays. The same applies to Muhammad Ali.

Research the childhood, what made your mentor take this or that direction, what injuries this mentor had in life, and how well or not this mentor aged. Sometimes, you don't even need to research their elderly life. Problems usually start much earlier. 

Many people buy this dream because they want to become rich. However, how many get rich? A professional player has to go to the gym because this is a must. However, if they get hurt, they have excellent medical support around them. You are not going to have that. You are on your own. 

If you still insist on going to the gym, my advice is: Do an X-ray of your spine before joining the gym. And do it again every year to compare the results. I guarantee you will stop going to the gym in no more than 10 years.

The person who goes to the gym needs to be aware that they will injure their body. It can take 5 years or 10. It can take just a week. It can take 30 years. However, someone who takes 30 years to start seeing the problem is already totally damaged. This is a chronic situation you may not be able to recover from.

It makes sense. The person who discovered the problem earlier must have at least a nerve that sent a pain signal to the brain. 

Yes, that person will be able to treat the condition earlier. The pain is our friend. It is the warning sign. It shows that something you did manifested that feeling.

I noticed that you don't use music in your exercises. What would you say about the music used by many people inside gyms?

The loud sound used in many gyms can be another issue. Studies have shown that someone exposed to noise pollution above 60 decibels for 6 hours a day (which is the same as having a blender on) has a great chance of developing hypertension in 2 years. 

Further, when the music is loud, people do not concentrate on the exercise they are doing. Even the heart rate and breathing go according to the music. The person's attention is driven away from the exercises.

Is there anything else you would like to say to conclude our interview?

There is something I usually don't say, but I will say it here. Gyms are still going to become a public health problem. It's like an epidemic. As the number of people who go to the gym increases, people will have more health problems in their old age. 

Gyms are a modern thing, and they have become more and more popular. We had more people going to the gym in the last 20 years than in the previous 40 years. Unfortunately, adding to that is the stress condition we are going through today. It is also much higher than years ago. The population may experience more injuries, more severe problems, and loss of performance.

For example: Someone is there pressing on the nerves. The nerve is being squeezed and is sending a signal to the brain. However, the brain is also being bombarded by too many other stimuli and worries. It becomes very difficult to concentrate on what we need to do. The number of people with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and other chronic neurological diseases may increase. This will lead to a loss of productivity. People will lose income from work, and we will have a social issue.

We have already seen this happening in other sectors, where certain industries only focused on their interests. However, it always ends up reaching a point where they can no longer keep the system. The bubble bursts, becoming a public health problem. And many people get surprised because they did not notice the early signs.

Exactly. A prominent example is the cigarette industry. Nowadays, they can no longer sponsor sports - it was common years ago. 

The gym can become an addiction. People who get into this fitness business can get addicted. It can even become a life risk. 

I had a patient who had thoracic disc herniation. I had treated people who had this same issue and developed paraplegia because the hernia compressed the spinal cord, generating an inflammatory process, an obstruction of the spinal cord in the chest region, and the person lost control of the legs. There was no recovery. 

And this patient of mine (with a thoracic hernia) started to practice gym exercises. She said, “I'm going back to the gym because I'm feeling thin and ugly.” And then, I told her that the risk she has is to end up in a wheelchair. She said: “but I don't care. I'm going to the gym again."

The gym can become addictive because you release chemical substances in the body, endorphins, adrenaline. Besides, there's music, a whole structure that may be difficult to leave behind, and the person goes through abstinence if they stop going to the gym. Many people complained of gym abstinence because of the quarantine. It is important to emphasize that to have abstinence; one needs to develop an addiction. The gym can become this addiction. 


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