Felines with wings


A couple from Smitsstraat could not believe who was eating the cat’s food. Rebeca and Gabriel had decided to feed a homeless cat, leaving her a portion of cat’s food every evening next to their front porch.

They named the cat Gugi, and she would still visit them during day hours. However, when Gugi stopped showing up, they wondered who was eating the food at night. Was it possible Gugi would still be coming but only when they could not see her?

Intrigued by this fact, they blamed an old yellow cat responsible for disturbing their sleep with his annoying meows. There was no other cat in the streets so late at night. Who else could be eating Gugi’s food?

They would wake up several nights after hearing the disturbing melody to watch the porch door to catch the suspect.

Unbelievably, the old yellow cat was there accompanied by a family of magpies. The birds were eating the food while the old feline was trying to scare a bunch of dogs away. The magpie family imitated the yellow cat, creating a choir of meows at night. The dogs, without barking, run away.

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