Part II


Hawk: The Biography of a Cat who learned how to fly

If you missed the first part of this feuilleton click here

The hours passed without being noticed. The sun was already shining high. Hawk had survived the night. The safety of his brothers, however, was uncertain. Hawk could hear high-pitched meows vanishing away in the wind, and it sounded more like a child crying for help after falling at the park. If that were coming from Paul and Caramelo, Hawk could never tell.

The day was lonely, ominous, and sad. Around sunset, Hawk managed to reach the other side of the wood, approaching the building area where humans lived.

He was closer to his brothers! This time, Hawk recognized their cries. Paul stopped meowing after a while, but Caramelo could still be heard from far away.

These cats needed help, and they needed help fast. Could such small cats survive one more night alone in the dark?

Well, dear reader, you only need to be alive to see all the surprises life has to offer. Sometimes, help comes from the most unexpected place.

Two human couples heard the cries of our baby cats and were looking for them in the dark. Hawk saw Paul inside a cat trolley, and instinctively, he ran away. Our little friend gave such a hard work to those humans! They got Paul, but Hawk was running from them as fast as a flash of light.

The humans were genuinely good, but how could Hawk know? Those minutes felt like hours for our baby hero.

Doesn't it happen to you as well, dear reader? Sometimes, we are too scared to listen to the calm breeze that comes to still us. And there are times that we run away from the help of those who love us. Even worse, we may run from ourselves, our strength, talents and resources, hiding our hearts behind whatever we fear. Had Hawk paid attention to his brother Paul, he would know those people loved cats. Paul was already calm and happy. But Hawk was focused on the past and his pain to be able to focus on that present moment.

Anyway, those humans were good and did not give up. They kept on trying to catch Hawk because they knew Hawk's survival chances were very low on his own. Each hour alone gets more dangerous for those who can not perceive life.

And blindness was the reason our kitty got hurt. Hawk ran over a manhole and fell about 2 meters high into an old abandoned garage.

Attention: Do not rush into any conclusion, reader. Hawk could barely see, let alone fly. Flying is something Hawk learned much later. He got hurt here, very hurt...

But the humans found a way to get to Hawk once he could no longer run. It was not easy to find the key to that garage so late at night, but they tried everything they could, knowing Hawk needed more help than ever before. When they finally got to Hawk, he tried his last instinct resource. He bit the man who was trying to take him in his arms. However, the man did not let go of Hawk. With the help of an old bath towel, he managed to keep Hawk quiet and protected.

The humans saw love in Hawk's eyes. Sometimes, those who hurt us do so because they are hurt and afraid. They react defensively because they are scared. They feel they need to protect their hearts, their lives, whatever it may be. Nevertheless, love is still there. Some creatures are hurt. Therefore, they hurt. Other creatures are simply evil. Hawk was just hurt. We can learn to diferenciate with time. We may find people like Hawk in life. Or, who knows, we are this kind of people!

As it was with our little Hawkcat, hurting people because we are hurt may be a frustrating escape path to try to avoid more pain. It pushes people away. Not everyone will take the effort to look for us inside a manhole. We may not always know why and from what we are running away, while we are just being afraid, biting those who love us through our words and actions.

Hawk was taken home by a human couple who cared for him even though he still behaved like a small scared beast. Hawk was very hurt, and the couple did not know if he would survive the fall.

Paul was happy and going home with other humans. Caramelo was still nowhere to be found. Unfortunately, the humans did not know there was another cat missing. Only Hawk and Paul knew that Caramelo had been left behind.

End of part 2


Part III: Smiles with Caramelo.

Hawk: The Biography of a Cat who learned how to fly.


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