Traveling in Time

Could we time travel?

Would you like to change something in your past? Or perhaps you want to leave something behind to move on with your life?

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I once heard a story about a girl who went back in time. Her name was Fleur. I know how silly this may sound. However, you must agree it is an intriguing story.

Fleur, a young girl on her way to school, was drawn to a peculiar sight on her usual path towards the Rue Saint-Lazare in Paris. A disconcerting noise emanated from an alley, its entrance bathed in an ethereal light. The rhythmic sound of hooves added to the mystery. Undeterred by fear, Fleur's youthful curiosity and courage propelled her towards the unknown. 

In Paris, alleys are expected to work as shortcuts through the streets. Fleur found a shortcut named Passage Tivoli - from where those peculiar sounds were coming. She noticed nothing different as she walked through the passage, except that two arc-shaped tunnels formed passage Tivoli. It was like she could enter one arc to go and the other to return. 

As she walked in, she reached a point of no return. She tried to walk back to the same arc, but it was blocked by darkness—ominous sigh. The noise from cars in the street was gone while the trotting became loud. Fleur noticed the other arc of the passage and decided to walk out through it. The way out of the passage was exquisite and scary. 

As the familiar sounds of modern life faded, echoes of people and horses could be heard. Fleur had entered the Passage Tivoli in 2024, but as she stepped out, she was met with a scene that defied her understanding of time — the exact year remained a tantalizing mystery. 

Original from, Adapted for D.E.

Original from, Adapted for D.E.

Fleur was a brave kid. However, she was going through a hard time at school. Her grades in Mathematics and History were low because Fleur has been missing classes. She used to enjoy deceiving her parents to meet friends. Fleur regretted doing it now, but it was too late. She had already taken her Math and History exam and failed. She was going to lose the school year. 

A feeling of excitement took her soul after Fleur left the Tivoli passage. She was a kid. It was easy for her to believe in time travel. 

As she walked down the street, she found a newspaper boy screaming out loud: "Extra! Extra!" The boy seemed joyful. Fleur came closer, asked for a newspaper, and gave him one coin, as she noticed everybody was doing. 

In the journal, it said: March 31, 1900. 

Fleur was astonished. For some time, she thought she was dreaming and wanted to wake up. However, returning from the shock, she looked at the newspaper boy and asked why he was not at school. The boy should be no more than 3 years older than Fleur was. 

He was surprised by her question. He had to work to live. Going to school made no sense for him. Still confused, Fleur took the newspaper and left. 

As soon as Fleur walked away, the boy ran after her. He was upset, asking Fleur why she was making fun of him. The coin she gave him was dated 2024. That was an awful joke, he said. 

Fleur was scared. She tried to explain everything, but the boy didn't believe her. It was when Fleur decided to take her ID to convince him she was from 2024. The boy was shocked and fainted. Fleur pushed him away from the street and asked him to calm down. The boy smiled at her, saying he always believed in time traveling. He was no longer afraid but happy to meet someone from the future. Fleur asked him why seeing her made him faint! She could expect him to be surprised but faint. Why? That felt a bit too much for her. 

The boy was still pale. He looked at her and said, in a whisper, "My name is Pietr Laframboise." This was Fleur's turn to faint. 

Fleur cried. She was Fleur! She was Fleur Laframboise! Fleur knew who her ancestors were. She used to love to hear the stories told by her grandfather about his father and relatives. 

Pietr Laframboise was none other than her Great-great-grandfather.

They both could not believe their eyes. Fleur told Pietr everything she knew about him. She told him how proud her grandfather was of Pietr and his ancestors and how he had taught his grandfather's father to make money and care for his family. She told Pietr how he and his son had worked so hard to bring a better life for her family now. Because of him, her grandfather and father could study and have a good life. 

She was indeed amazed to be in front of an ancestor, someone she had just heard about until now. Pietr was even more surprised. 

Sadness appeared in Fleur's face for a moment. She felt ashamed. She could not think of anything she had done so far that would make someone proud of her. However, Pietr looked at her with love and care - as if it were for his own child. It did not matter if he was a child himself. He knew life. He knew suffering. He had already learned a lot compared to Fleur.

He started to tell Fleur about his life. On this exact date, the length of a workday for women and children was limited to 11 hours by law. It meant he would have time to play. Pietr was very happy when he noticed Fleur was embarrassed. She had wasted her time on trivial stuff instead of focusing on her future. She had the chance to study and didn't care about it.  

Fleur looked at Pietr as if he was much older indeed. She told him everything: how she had missed school, deceived her parents, and how sorry she was for everything. The boy took her hands and said: "The future had not come yet" - she could still change it. He wiped away her tears and said: I am proud of you and what you'll become. 

Pietr got some newspapers and gave them to Fleur. Sell everything - he said. 

Selling newspapers with her great-great-grandfather transformed her. It was the foundation she needed to drive her change. By the end of the day, she was grateful. He took her around Paris before she went back to her time through Passage Tivoli. As he said goodbye, he gave Fleur 3 coins they got while selling newspapers. "Whenever you feel you can't- he said- I want you to look at these coins and remember you already did it once. 

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This is a silly story. I know. But what if you could travel to the past as Fleur did? You might not have issues at school, but even more complex situations to solve. Perhaps different decisions to make? Something you would like to change?

Will we ever be able to break the barrier of space-time? Are we capable of changing our previous choices, granting us a better life today?

Let's say you can come back in time. What would you do? What would you like to change?

The year is 2024. You're not in the future. Let's repeat it: It is 2024. But you realize you could have done something differently in your past, something that would improve your life. 

Luckily, let's believe you can go back in time. You get your ticket; you come on board and get ready for one of the most focused trips in your life, the one that will change your future.

The good news now? This is all possible! This is not a joke. You can change your past and leave events from your actual life there, things that no longer serve you. We will show you how. Ready? 

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Let's use our imagination. The year is 2034. 

But differently from what you may think, you're not in the future. You have not broken the space and time barrier! So let's repeat it: 2034 is our current year. 

In 2034, you realize you could have done something differently in 2024, something that would change your life for the better. Luckily, you have the chance to go back in time. There is a time machine. You come on board, sit, and prepare for the trip. We are coming back to 2024!

This time machine exists inside of you, dear reader. What are you going to change in your past? What are you going to change in 2024 that will improve your life in 2034? 

Some people may notice a harmful habit. Some people may see a problem in a relationship. What about you? What is the thing (or things) you perceive now that could negatively impact your life in 2034?

On the other hand, what do you know that can make you thrive in 2034 (not necessarily now) if you properly give them the attention and care they deserve? 

Somehow, we already have many of these answers inside of us. Focusing on what we can do instead of what we cannot do increases our chance of success. Therefore, your past is now, and your future is ahead! You can change your history to improve your following years.

This time machine can work indefinitely. While you keep it working, you can always observe and change your "past self" from your desired future. 

It can be inspiring to see yourself as a time traveler. It boosts our energy and strength to start making changes today. As Tony Robbins says: "By changing nothing, nothing changes".

Therefore, wake up your inner child, start seeing yourself as someone from the future who came back to 2024, and make the changes you know you would like to make now. 

What about those things we don't know we need to change? What if we make a mistake that will affect our future? 

I can see some of these questions emerge. By the way, we can't always predict everything. 

The answer is simple: Invest in yourself. The most purposeful work we will ever do is in ourselves. Get to know yourself and what is behind your feelings and motivations. Ask yourself questions. Seek the truth by looking inside of you instead of judging the world. Be genuine. Invest in becoming the best version of yourself with love, calm, and stillness! You will not reach 100%. Nobody does. Just make sure you keep moving forward.

Remember, proper knowledge takes time. It doesn't necessarily happen in a few days. 

If you are genuine about who you are, whenever you find yourself trying to change something in your past, you will soon rest assured you did the best you could using the resources you had at that time. If you did not know how to do things differently before, it should be okay. You do know now, and this is part of the beauty in life. 

One of the easiest ways to ensure that we are living for what it's worth comes from asking: Would I die for the things I do today that require most of my time, effort, and resources? 

If we find incongruity in our answer, what can we do to make our lives more meaningful? 

Some people do things because they believe they have to. However, there is always something we can do, and we alone, to improve our lives. You don't have to do anything. You choose to. How could you do it differently, or what focus should you give to whatever you do? What is worth your time, and what is not? What is crucial for you? Do you know the purpose of your life? Do you know yourself, and who would you like to become? If we bring this focus to the circumstances we believe we can't run away from, we will manage to make the changes we need to.

Failure becomes feedback. Problems become the possibility of discovering something new, different, and better. So, take heart and live for what is worth dying for. 

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What about those things we wish to forget, something that no longer serves us? 

A painful memory, fears, worries? Is there anything you would like to leave behind? Have you ever considered doing something about these things? You can use your inner time machine again to leave whatever bothered you in the past, along with those things that have passed. 

Remember to forget those things! Even If there is still a part of your soul insisting on feeling whatever you feel because of whatever happened to you. How would that feel about leaving those feelings and memories and the things that already passed and occurred in the past? Sounds confusing? 

 How would you feel relocating a feeling or situation that annoys you now to the past, using your inner time machine - the past where everything you have already forgotten is? Put those things in the machine, send them to your forgotten memories, and move forward. 

As Pietr told his great-great-granddaughter, The future has not come yet.

Dream about who you want to become by focusing on what you can do today. You choose how you feel, not your circumstances. You control your actions. While you cannot control the world around you, you get to control what to do about it.


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