You will not lose weight by exercising only

This review's primary purpose is to show the most recent discoveries regarding exercise and its impact on our health and weight loss.

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We have already discussed the correct mindset one should have when seeking to lose weight. We need to lose that extra weight healthily. If you have not yet read our article about the correct mindset in weight loss, we suggest you read it before this one. That said, how should we eliminate those extra kilos/pounds?

Exercise will not help you losing weight as you may think

Although physical exercise is crucial to keep you healthy, it will not help you to lose much weight. We know many people will not believe this. However, studies have been proving this for years. We suggest you research for yourself. You can find the link to some pieces of research below our article.

The food industry wants to sell a different idea because they focus on their own interest, not on your health. These industries want you to buy their products, making you believe you will burn off more calories by eating their food and using or wearing their equipment. It is no surprise that many products have been wrongly associated with a healthy lifestyle since 1920. Be careful with what you are being told.

Exercise can be responsible for 10 to 30 percent of your weight loss, only

It varies from person to person. Our basal metabolic rate plays an even more crucial role when it comes to weight loss. However, would you like to hear the hard truth? We can barely control it! Scientifically speaking, when you exercise and lose calories, these calories consist of a tiny part of the total energy you spend. If you want to focus on exercise as your primary tool to lose weight, you will need a lot of effort, patience, will, and time. In other words, you may become very frustrated in the long run.

Many people think they lose weight when exercising because they burn calories. However, this is not true. Exercise can add a bit to weight loss because of the change in body composition when we work out. When you gain muscle mass, you increase your basal metabolic rate. However, you should not increase your calorie intake, thinking it is okay, thinking that you will burn it running in the park. You will not!

We should exercise to improve our mood, blood pressure, blood sugar, to get a better night's sleep -among other benefits. Studies have shown that exercising daily can even reduce the risk of developing some cancers. All these benefits are just a few to convince anyone to exercise properly. Exercise keeps you healthy. Besides, it will help you maintain your current weight because in order to do so, you do not need an energy deficit. You should exercise knowing you are doing it for your health and because you enjoy it. In addition, when we say exercise, we mean anything that makes you move your body.


When the Spell Turns Against The Sorcerer

We created a few hypothetical situations to illustrate things that usually happen when people think they can exercise to lose weight.

  1. You give the best of yourself on that treadmill, feeling exhausted and hungry in the end. You exercised more than you could even imagine you would. What do you do?

    The Answer: You eat more than you typically do because you think you deserve it. You have already burned many calories working out, and you are hungry.

    The mistake: You overestimated the calories you burned. All your hours on the treadmill mean nothing regarding weight loss after high food ingestion. You may end up gaining even more weight if you continue doing so.

  2. You pushed yourself way too hard; what happens?

    The answer: You feel lazy and tired for the rest of the day. Therefore, you will want to rest more and take the rest of the day in slow motion.

    The mistake: Studies explain this as a "compensatory behavior." You should respect your limits and exercise to increase energy and to feel better (not the opposite). On the run to weight loss, people may stop listening to their bodies and exercise incorrectly, causing them more harm than good.

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You need to exercise! We can not stress this enough. However, balance is key. It is much better to create a habit of exercising daily and adequately for your health than pushing yourself too hard to obtain a result you only think you will get. 

Some studies even show that when you work out very hard, your body may understand you are under stress and turn on the "survival mechanism." It means your body could even start stocking fat instead of eliminating it, thinking you might need it in the future. Scientists noticed that people going under extreme workouts had their metabolism slowed down. (This does not apply to those who are professionals in some sport). 

The same "survival mode" applies if you suddenly start fasting or following an extreme diet. Your body may enter a "plateau effect." You will probably lose weight in the first weeks, but you may not continue losing it after a while. It is vital to be careful and mindful. That is why a correct mindset is essential on the weight loss journey. Respect your limits.  Eat properly and find professional help if needed. Do not trust miraculous diets or recipes.

The Biggest Industry Myth - You Can Eat Anything as Long as You Work Out

This is far from the truth. Once more, we urge you to think twice before believing anything! The food industry has wrongly associated itself with exercise. How often have you seen a granola bar - containing sugar as its main ingredient -being promoted as the best after-workout snack? Or beverage industries wrongly associating themselves to a healthy lifestyle?


When it comes to weight loss, what you eat and how you eat is crucial. We have an entire article from helping you build a healthy eating habit to know what to buy at the supermarket here. In summary, eating properly is more important than exercising when it comes to weight loss and keeping a healthy lifestyle. You can not neglect it.

Pay attention to your body. Find out where you are and where you want to get. Eat mindfully and consciously. Besides, eat when you are hungry, only. Do not eat more than what you need. It does not mean you need to count calories. Just choose your food wisely. We wrote an entire article explaining it - Start by eating properly.

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To conclude, be active to be healthy. Exercise is an ally for your health. It does not add a significant weight loss benefit, although it can help you increase that small percentage a bit. Importantly, it helps maintain your body weight.

And remember: Exercise can add a bit to weight loss because of the change in our body composition when we exercise. When you gain muscle mass, you increase your basal metabolic rate. The percentage is still small and varies from person to person. Therefore, do not eat more than you should, thinking it is okay because you are active.

If we wish you to take anything from this article for your life, it is that what you eat and how you eat impacts your health and weight loss journey more than any exercise you may try! Start by Eating Properly.


Why we wrote this article

Because You have the power to make scientific and conscious decisions to improve your life and the life of those you love.


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Start by Eating Properly


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